
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bacteria turning more deadlier after its journey from space...

A science experiment showed that the salmonella bacteria which was isolated in the space fromthe crew members when returned back to earth and ingested to mice caused the mice to die faster than if ingested the bacteria present in the earth.
The experts concern are for future astronauts who will embark on longer space missions farther away from Earth-based medical help.

What happens to the bacteria?
The bacteria undergoes transformation or changes in its genes due to the changes in the motion of the fluid surrounding its cells.
In our intestine the current of this fluid decreases leading to the flourishment of the bacterial infections and the same mechanism occurs in the space.

Scientists are working on this to find a solution before allowing the astronauts step into the mars.


Sizzling heat sensitive products...

Well,the heat is on!!!
The widely popular tshirts and tops among teenagers which change their colour when the wearers body heat or while they are touched!
There are shirts with body fader tags and spegathhis for ladies already in the market.

Now how does a cloth change its colour.
Clothes contain a thermocromic pigment that changed between colours one when cold and one when warm.

if u want to see how it looks..
take a look..